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Modern Slavery


We, at Pharmaceutical Trading Co Ltd, are committed to ensuring that we work to prevent modern slavery throughout our organisation and in our supply chain.

Pharmaceutical Trading Co Ltd is based in Cyprus with partners in the European Union and the United Kingdom.

Pharmaceutical Trading Co Ltd does not enter business with any other organisation if we know, or have reason to believe, that the business is involved in, or connected, with other organisations who are involved in modern slavery, servitude, trafficking, and/or forced or compulsory labour. We reject any form of modern slavery, slave labour, forced or compulsory labour, indentured servitude, or child labour.

  1. Purpose

As part of our vendor qualification process for our suppliers, Pharmaceutical Trading Co Ltd : • Qualifies initially and periodically all the suppliers (e.g. GMP, GDP certificates & questionnaires as per the company’s procedures ), AND • Assesses the supplier’s policies and practices with regards to combating modern slavery

  1. Definition

Modern slavery includes: • Human trafficking • Forced work, through mental or physical threat • Being owned or controlled by an employer through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse • Being dehumanised, treated as a commodity, or being bought or sold as property • Being physically constrained or to have restriction placed on freedom of movement.

  1. Conclusion

No business with any organisation which has been found to have involved itself with, or which we may have reasonably suspects has been involved in, modern slavery. We continuously monitor all the data received through our supplier / customer risk assessments, and any other source which comes to our attention, and we will take any necessary action where any concerns may be raised.

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Metropolitan Court 33 Artemidos Ave.
PO BOX: 40 628 A.C. 6025 Larnaca, Cyprus

Company Reg. No.: 609
VAT Reg. No.: CY 10000609S
© Copyright 1954 - 2025 - Pharmaceutical Trading Company Ltd