D3 fix drops & K2 in olive oil

D3 Fix Drops & K2 in olive oil is a food supplement with the versatile combination of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) & K2, in the form of an oral solution in drops.
D3 Fix Drops & K2 in olive oil helps to meet the increased requirements of the body in vitamin D3 & K2, when there is a need for them as well as a special need to absorb high amounts of calcium and its proper utilization.
Composition with excellent absorption and high bioavailability.
Suitable for all age groups.
It does not contain sugars and sodium.
With a neutral taste.
Package with 12ml dropper vial (400IU D3 & 22.5 μg / 5 drops).
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PO BOX: 40 628 A.C. 6025 Larnaca, Cyprus